Friday, March 13, 2009

Units Sheet v1

I tossed together a 'UNITS' crib sheet that people may find useful.


Units Sheet v1 - Primary Download
Units Sheet v1 - Secondary Download

(This is hosted on Geocities, which only has a 4.2mb hourly maximum. If you can't download, wait an hour and try again).

Thursday, March 12, 2009

SIFRP House Sheet

Since I was eager to get started, and didn't just want to write down all my house stats in a notebook, I instead created a quick house sheet for myself and others to use if needed.


House Sheet - Primary Download
House Sheet - Secondary Download

(Note: This has a 4.2mb hourly cap lol, the file itself is about 1.2mb. So if it doesn't work, try back in an hour.)
